Senin, 23 Januari 2017

Penulisan SAP B.Inggris Bisnis 1

1. Socializing
Proses seumur hidup dalam interaksi sosial dimana individu memperoleh identitas sosial dengan cara berpihak. Perasaan dan peranan yang penting untuk partisipasi efektif dalam masyarakat
2. Telephoning 
Making and receiving telephone calls
Ø  If you need to spell your name, or take the name of your caller, the biggest ptoblem is often saying vowel sounds.
‘a’ is pronounced as in ‘may’
‘e’ is pronounced as in ‘i’ or ‘eye’
‘o’ is pronounced as in ‘no’
‘u’ is pronounced as ‘you’
TIP : keep a note of how you say these letters by your telephone.
Giving number.
Here’s a phone number ; 01712223344 and here’s how to say it : “zero one seven one triple two double three double four”
When you say a seven digit number, separate the number into two blocks of three and four paving after each block.
Each digit is spoken separately, untless it’s a double or triple. If the second part of the number was you’ll probably find it easier to say ‘double five’.
Ex :
You                 : can i speak to (Mr. Smith). Please ? or is (Mr. Smith) there,                          please
Receptionist    : May i ask who’s calling?
You                 : Yes, this Tom Mclvor speaking
3. Presenting
Visual Information
Ø  Penggunaan komputer untuk terbuat representasi visual yang interaktif dari data yang ada, dengan tujuan meningkatkan daya tangkap informasi.
4. Meeting
Giving a Report
Ø  To write meeting report, use the agenda as a guide talk about past business that was conclude, summarize, what each speaker said, and list the goals that were identified as action items. Collect your notes. Gather your notes from the meeting and any audio or video recordings you made.
5. Meeting
Discussion Progress
Ø  Whatever type of project meeting you are holding there should always be an agenda distributed before hand to the participants.
Never jusk ask someone for information in the meeting. Everyone needs time to prepare the rigth data to insure an accurate update of project progress is delivered. But as the project manager you need to remember that a progress meeting is what it says and you need to remind the attendees of this fact, if necessary. A progress meeting is not a time to ask grivances, raise change requests or listen to the technical minutiae of an ongoing problem.
A progress meeting should be brief (so book the meeting room for a limited amount of time probably no longer than an hour and everyone should understand it’s objective, which is simply an update on where the project stands with respect to its schedule and any issues affecting progress..
Any issues requiring detailed discussion shoul be deffered to another meeting where you can discuss the specifics with only those people affected.
6. Asking For and Giving options
Asking for
Ø  Sebuah ekspresi dalam bahasa inggris yang digunakan untuk meminta dan memberikan pendapat untuk meminta dan memberikan pendapat tentang suatu hal.
Ex : lucy : do you like our school library
       Tina : i like “the english corser” in particular. What about you ?
       Lucy : “the english corses” is not bad. i don’t like some writings on it                                  because they have a lot of mistakes but i really like the                                        information on some english learning materials from the internet.          So, i usually go to some of the websites to get some more                       materials for learning english. I love them very much.
       Tina : great!! Well. I also like some children’s stories from internet. The                 library are good too and they are very helpful..
Giving options
Ø  “the english corses” is not bad. i don’t like some writings on it because they have a lot of mistakes but i really like the   information on some english learning materials from the internet.  So, i usually go to some of the websites to get some more materials for learning english. I love them very much.
7. Socializing
Making small talk and developing a conversation
Ø  Make yourself approachable, offer a small compliment, and find common ground with the other person. Reveal something interesting about yourself. And ask something about him or her in return. Show you interest by actively listening and asking more questions. If thingd go well. Don’t hestitate bring up hanging out again.
 8. Making and Responding to suggestions
Ø  The following english thrases and expressions are all used to make suggestions and give advice to people
Making suggestions :
Let’s revise our lessons
Making suggestions :
Ok yes let’s
Refusing suggestions :
No let’s not
9. UTS 
10.  Meeting
Controlling the discussion
Ø  Discussion boards allow student the freedom to share their thoughts and opinions on class topics with other users. Occasionally, students may introduce material to the discussion. Board that is inappropriate for the class discussion. Depending in the students in the course. It can be important to review students post for inappropriate content before sharing post with the rest of the class.


TOEFL singkatan dari Test of English as a Foreign Language yaitu tes bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing. TOEFL dipakai untuk mengukur kemampuan seseorang dalam bahasa Inggris. TOEFL diperuntukan bagi mereka yang hendak sekolah ke negara-negara English-American, seperti Amerika Serikat contohnya. Ada tiga macam pilihan tes:
1)    PBT (Paper Based Test), yaitu kamu mengerjakan tes TOEFL di atas kertas. Materi tes biasanya meliputi listening, reading, dan structure.
2)    CBT (Computer Based Test), yaitu kamu mengerjakan tes TOEFL langsung di komputer. Materi tes biasanya meliputi listening, reading, structure dan ada tambahan writing.
3)    IBT (Internet Based Test), yaitu tes TOEFL kamu mengerjakan tes TOEFL langsung di komputer yang terhubung ke internet. Materi tes biasanya meliputi listening, reading, structure, writing dan ada tambahan speaking.
Adapun rentang skor TOEFL sebagai berikut.
  • Skor TOEFL PBT: 310 - 677.
  • Skor TOEFL CBT: 30 - 300.
  • Skor TOEFL IBT: 8 - 120.
Skor TOEFL berlaku selama 2 tahun. Jika lewat dari 2 tahun, kamu harus mengambil lagi tes TOEFL. Untuk bisa mengajukan beasiswa kuliah di luar negeri, skor TOEFL kamu minimal harus 550 (PBT).
IELTS singkatan dari International English Language Testing System, yaitu program tes untuk menguji kemahiran dalam berbahasa Inggris.IELTS biasanya digunakan untuk mengurus visa luar negeri, studi/sekolah ke negara-negara English-British (seperti Inggris dan Australia misalnya), pindah kewarganegaraan, dsb.
Ada dua versi IELTS: Academic Version (versi akademik) dan General Training Version (pelatihan umum):
  • Versi akademik diperuntukan mereka yang akan masuk perguruan tinggi dan para profesional seperti dokter atau perawat yang akan bekerja di negara pengguna British English.
  • Versi pelatihan umum diperuntukan mereka yang akan bekerja atau keperluan imigrasi (seperti pindah kewarganegaraan).
Materi tes IELTS ada 4, yaitu:
1)    listening (30 menit ),
2)    reading (1 jam),
3)    writing (1 jam), dan
4)    speaking (12-15 menit).

Secara keseluruhan, tes IELTS membutuhkan waktu sekitar 3 jam.
Rentang skor tes adalah IELTS: 1 - 9. Jika akan digunakan untuk keperluan sekolah ke Inggris Australia, Kanada, Selandia Baru maka skor IELTS yang dibutuhkan adalah 5,5 ke atas.
TOEIC adalah singkatan dari Test of English for International Communication, yaitu tes bahasa Inggis untuk komunikasi internasional. TOEIC lebih khusus diperuntukan orientasi pekerjaan. Jika kamu ingin bekerja di luar negeri atau perusahaan asing di Indonesia, maka kamu harus memiliki sertifikasi TOEIC.

TESL, TEFL and ESL are just acronyms for “Teaching English as a Second Language” and “Teaching English as a Foreign Language” and “English as a Second Language,” respectively. For the layperson, they can be used more or less interchangably.